
LatticeWork develops cloud-edge solutions that tackle storage, privacy and bandwidth issues related to skyrocketing data and video consumption



LatticeWork was started to tackle the storage, privacy and bandwidth issues created by skyrocketing data and video consumption. The technology developed includes a main cloud service (AmberCloud) that allows integration of on-prem/edge devices as federation members of the bigger cloud service. The resultant Hybrid Cloud provides unprecedented cloud accessibility for edge devices that normally would have been stranded behind network firewalls, while allowing the edge devices to maintain their sovereign data and access the control domain to ensure data privacy for the users.

The company’s flagship product, Amber, is the world’s first AI-powered smart storage device that provides users with a personal hybrid cloud. Amber empowers consumers with data privacy, convenience and control — like never before.



Pantas Sutardja is founder, president and CEO of Latticework.

A legend in the storage industry, Dr. Sutardja has over 25 years of experience in the storage and semiconductor industry. He began his career at IBM Almaden Research Center where he developed the company’s first CMOS read channel chip.

Dr. Sutardja and his brother would eventually team up to create Marvell Technology Group Limited in 1995, turning a startup into a publicly traded global leader in storage with several billion storage chips sold to date.

Now, Dr. Sutardja has turned his storage sights to the hybrid cloud with Latticework leading the development of hybrid cloud-edge solutions to meet consumer demand for more storage and bandwidth related to skyrocketing data and video usage. The company’s first product, Amber, is the first personal storage device that provides consumers with security and privacy not available in public offerings.

In his personal life, Dr. Sutardja is a noted philanthropist, establishing the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology at UC Berkeley, and, with his wife, creating a private foundation with an initial focus on education and medical fields.

Dr. Sutardja holds BS, MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Pantas Sutardja | CEO


We believe that everyone has a right to keep their digital data private, accessible from anywhere, and securely stored to preserve their memories from one digital generation to the next. We reject the traditional notion that people have the binary choice between convenience (cloud storage with accessibility from anywhere) and privacy (personal cloud storage with data stranded at home). We believe that innovation in a new class of service in the form of a Personal Hybrid Cloud can provide security and accessibility, empower data ownership, and deliver peace of mind for the mass consumers.



Protect Data Privacy

You maintain sovereign ownership of your data files when you stored them on your own Amber devices. We make no copy of your data in our AmberCloud, even when you remotely access your data or share something with someone else. You maintain control of who you share your data with.

Make Your Data Accessible

With the Amber Hybrid Cloud, you can connect to your data from anywhere in the world, not just when you are at home. Similarly, anyone you shared your data with can also access your data from wherever they are.

Protect your device and data security

AmberCloud provides the first line of protection to your device by ensuring that no one without a valid invited access to your data can even contact your Amber device, keeping your device anonymous to people you haven’t shared anything with. Your Amber device still maintains full control of who can access your data as you see fit and provides the final defense against unauthorized access. It doesn’t need to rely on faith or trust of the AmberCloud to make the decision to grant an access request. AmberCloud merely helps relay the access availability and permission information to your intended audience, and helps your Amber device identifies the person making a share access request.

Create Lasting Impacts

Your Amber device monitors the health of the storage device for any sign of impending hardware failure to help protect your precious data. Data sync to an external drive is an option you can take to further protect your data. An optional secondary cold cloud backup service is also in the work to give you an even higher level of data protection against made-made or natural disasters. Your Amber device and services are designed to help you to preserve your data for the long haul to ensure that your memories can be passed down to your next generation.

Our Commitment to Consumers


While we have the necessary technology to support our mission, we also understand that the end-application needs to be easy-to-own and has a level of refinement to attract regular consumers. We commit ourselves to make our devices and services to be:

Easy to Own

Owning your own device should not become a big burden for consumers. We strive to make setting up your device almost as easy as signing up to a cloud service. For consumer features, the services come without requiring a subscription fee, making it easy on your pocket.

Easy to Use

We understand app download fatigue with other local storage solutions, where supporting many applications means downloading many disparate apps. All the consumer centric features including backing up your data, viewing photos and videos, listening to music, navigating folders, sharing something to someone and receiving shares from someone, all these can be done from a single app on either your mobile device or your PC with a clean user interface.

Easy to Access

No matter where you are: at home, outside near or far from home, traveling, etc, you can access all your data as long as you have an uncensored internet connection. Your friends, colleaques and relatives whom you share your data with can also access the data shared with them from anywhere they are.